Attention Deficit Disorder  A.D.D.

Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.) - Also known as A.D.H.D., Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can overlap with other physical and psychological disorders.  There is rarely a case of someone who is all A.D.D.  More often there is a combination expressed by some underlying cause.  A.D.D is not simply a disorder of childhood, but a lifelong condition.  A.D.D. is difficult for everyone involved to deal with.  As well as the difficulty of living with the symptoms, wider society may face challenges.  Some symptoms and characteristics of A.D.D. are learning disabilities, frequent forgetfulness, impaired judgment, excessive talking/interrupting, trouble concentrating, shortened attention span, mood disorders, alienation, motor problems, and organization.  A.D.D. is also linked with increased risk of accidents, drug abuse failure in school, antisocial behavior, and criminal activity.  But others view A.D.D. in a positive light, arguing that it is simply a different method of learning involving greater risk-taking and creativity. Some positive traits of A.D.D. include: creativity, enthusiasm, spontaneity, a quick mind, high energy level, sensitivity and intelligence.

No one is sure what caused A.D.D.  In addition, numerous social factors such as family conflict or poor child rearing practicing, while not causing the condition, may complicate the course of A.D.D.  Other causes may be: allergies and sensitivities, anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, mercury poisoning, nutritional deficiencies, sleep disorders, hypoglycemia, and thyroid condition.   Research shows the common factor in all forms of A.D.D. to be a coordination failure in the reticular activating system of the brain.  This system of the brain helps coordinate external stimulus.

Kathy Kafka

Complete Natural Blends

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