Urine Odor

When the body is dehydrated the urine becomes highly concentrated and can have a strong ammonia smell.  Most changes in urine odor are temporary. Urine odor is related to the volume and concentration of a variety of chemicals excreted by the kidneys. When the kidneys have less fluid, the odor will be a little stronger and darker with a stronger odor. Healthy urine is clear to light yellow with little to no odor.  Some foods such as asparagus, certain medication and certain vitamins can also affect the odor of urine. Urine odor is related to the volume and concentration of a variety of chemicals excreted by the kidneys.  Symptoms of dehydration in the body can lead to many more severe conditions.  

Urine that has an exceptionally strong or foul odor could be an infection if other symptoms accompany it such as burning during urination or pain around the kidneys or bladder. Cloudy urine accompanied by pain may also be caused by the presence of bacteria, mucus, white blood cells or red blood cells.  Consult with a physician if this occurs.

Sometimes an unusual urine odor can be associated with an underlying medical condition.  Urine odor can vary from sweet to foul.  Possible causes of strong smelling urine include:

Diabetes - a sweet sugar smell might indicate the presence of blood sugar excreted in the urine.

Excess phosphate - a high level of phosphate in the urine may be caused by a kidney problem. The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles contract. The rest is stored in tissues throughout the body. The kidneys help control the amount of phosphate in the body. Extra phosphate is filtered by the kidneys and passes out of the body in the urine.

Urinary Tract Infection – is an infection that can begin anywhere along the urinary tract.  Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include painful and frequent urination, feeling a need to urinate when the bladder is empty and a strong or unpleasant odor to the urine.

Red in the urine may indicate blood in the urinary tract.

Cystitis - is an inflammation of the bladder due to a bacterial lower urinary tract infection. A bladder infection can become a serious health problem if the infection spreads to the kidneys.

Kidney Infection - is an infection of the kidney and the ducts that carry urine away from the kidney. It is a specific type of urinary tract infection that generally begins in the urethra or bladder and travels up into your kidneys. The urethra is the tube through which urine leaves the body. The urethra is connected to the bladder.

Menopause - is the transition period in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs.  Changes in the vagina, urethra and bladder at menopause can make women more susceptible to urinary tract infections.

Prostatitis - is an inflammation of the prostate gland, a common condition in adult males.  Urinary problems, including increased urinary urgency and frequency, difficulty or pain when urinating, inability to completely empty the bladder, and blood-tinged urine.

Rare diseases such as Ketonuria, Maple Sugar Urine Disease, Phenylketonuria - in which certain chemicals build up in the urine.

Rectal Fistula - an abnormal connection between the rectum and the bladder.

Liver Disease - dark colored and cloudy urine may be a liver problem.

The body is composed of about 75% water and 25% solid matter. Water provides the primary means of transport throughout the body. When feeling thirsty, the cells in the body are already water deprived and less efficient. 

The body will lose fluids in the urine, bowel movements, and perspiring. Water must be replenished constantly to avoid the risk of cell damage leading to disease. When the body is not hydrated with filtered water, the stress to the kidneys will result in blood becoming too thick to circulate throughout the body.  This puts strain on body eventually leading to illness and disease.  

Filtered water hydration is critical for overall body health. Coffee, tea, juice, power drinks and soft drinks, although these products are mostly water, they do not count and in fact can unhealthy due to the chemical additives, artificial flavorings, sugar and sugar substitutes. The diuretics contained in caffeinated beverages flush water out of the body.  Diet sodas are harmful and should be avoided completely.  As the body ages the sensation of thirst diminishes and an increased risk of dehydration.

Cold drinks lower the temperature in the stomach below what is needed for efficient digestion and should be avoided. Drink water at room temperature.

The calculation for individual water consumption is as follows:  Body weight divided by 2 is the number of fluid ounces necessary every day.  Divide the total ounces by 8 to find the number of glasses needed for consumption.  Example:  120 divided by 2 = 60 divided by 8 = 7.5 eight oz. glasses of water per day. 

 A well hydrated body has more resistance to disease, enhances the absorption of nutrients, metabolism increases, mind becomes clearer, and complexion and premature aging improves.  The strong urine odor will be resolved when well-hydrated.

Kathy Kafka

Complete Natural Blends


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