
Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactobacillus Bulgaricus convert pasteurized milk to yogurt during fermentation.  They are the most commonly used active live culture used in producing yogurt.  It helps alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance and other gastrointestinal problems. The purpose of these cultures is to turn lactose, the sugar in milk, into lactic acid.  Lactic acid turns milk into the thickening structure of yogurt.  These lactic acid bacteria have the ability to survive in extreme temperatures, and will still have healthful attributes including to fight bad bacteria, yeast, fungus and toxins. Live and active cultures convert pasteurized milk to yogurt during fermentation.  Some yogurt products are heat treated or pasteurized after fermentation, which kills most of the beneficial active cultures.  It is important to research for quality organic products.

Yogurts contains live and active yogurt culture, beneficial bacteria and when added to milk, they feed on milk sugar or lactose. Yogurt has a few billion bacteria, but the human gut has tens of trillions of microbes, predominately bacteria. The body needs to have a healthy amount of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.  Although the chance lessens that beneficial bacteria will survive once it reaches the intestines.  Many yogurts are made using good active bacteria. Lactose is broken down when milk is turned into yogurt or cheese, for those who are lactose intolerant.  Greek yogurt or strained yogurt is double the protein, half in carbohydrates and sodium, thicker and creamier than regular yogurt, and a higher percentage of probiotics.

The bacteria strains found in yogurt are linked to reducing loose stools, regulating digestion, and restricting the growth of harmful bacteria that lead to infections.  No probiotic labeling standards for yogurt is required.  Heat and other ingredients in yogurt also affect each probiotic strain. Probiotic supplements contain high doses of a variety of beneficial microorganisms.  Unlike yogurt, Probiotic Supplements clearly list the specific strains contained.  Supplements are a good option if a digestive condition or diet prevents eating yogurt.

Making yogurt at home eliminates a high lactose and sugar content.

Some store yogurts are geared for taste and not health.  Add fruit or honey for a great taste.

Yogurt Recipe

Heat organic milk to approximately 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 degrees Celsius) for 10-30 minutes depending on desired thickness.  Heat milk longer for thicker yogurt.  Then remove from heat and when it has temperature is approximately 112 degrees Fahrenheit (44 degree Celsius) mix with a yogurt starter.  This can be a scoop of previously purchase quality organic yogurt containing the necessary bacteria.  Transfer into containers with a cover then cover with a towel and let stand at 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) for a minimum of four hours.  The longer the incubation, the more tart the yogurt, because more acids will develop. Then place in the refrigerator, it should keep for approximately ten days.

Kathy Kafka

Complete Natural Blends


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